Friday, September 16, 2011

Stay-at-Home Dad

Bill Burr's beat this one to death, but it is time to put in my two cents.

Oprah claims [stay-at-home] moms have the "most difficult job on the planet".  I call bullshit.  (Again, I'm not the first.  Bill put it together on his last special that Annie and I were at the taping of.)

I'm working part-time at the wind farm right now.  3 days a week.  When I started there, I was only supposed to be there for 6 months or so, before I went off to upstate New York.  When NY fell through, they had already hired two engineers to replace me.  They can't really afford to keep me on full time.  So this is what I worked out with them while I find something else.

At first, the two days off were supposed to be used to thoroughly search for a new job.  Instead, it has turned into typical domestic activity.  I clean and cook and hang with Angel and Zumba.  It's a blast.  This morning I went to a salsa class at the sports club I'm a member of.  I'm going chocolate tasting at 1pm.  Plenty of time to shower before I go out dancing tonight.  I'm one of the Real Housewives of Oakland on Wednesdays & Fridays.

Atlanta, the only one I ever watched.  I was on the couch for weeks after surgery.

Granted, I don't have any screaming kids making me want to force Nyquil down their throats for some quiet time.  However, I can't imagine it's all that bad.  You just watch cartoons, color, and eat candy.  Rough life.

For now, I'm able to catch up on a movies.  Read books.  Blog.  Grocery shop/post office/everything without lines.  Play games.

If you manage to place yourself in the arms of a sugar momma (like me, be jealous), and you get to be a stay-at-home anything, you've won life's big lottery.

Britney = Sugar Momma. I went there.
Nap time,

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